Submitted by jsdubois015 on Sat, 02/20/2010 - 20:35
As you probably could tell from my previous post, I'm very interested in the subject of counterpoint. It is such a vast subject capable of so much variation. I honestly believe one could study the subject for their entire life and still be learning until the very end. This is the reason I lament the fact the almost non-existence of counterpoint in university music curricula. One semester, or even a few, is barely enough time to just scratch the surface.
For me, counterpoint holds the essence of music as an art. Counterpoint is to music as the laws of physics are to the universe. Without certain laws, the universe could not exist. Without counterpoint, it is my opinion that music cannot exist. Now, that is an incredible significance to place upon the subject of counterpoint to be sure, and one that I'm probably alone in making. However, the more I study counterpoint, the more I am convinced of it.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this intriguing subject of counterpoint. More to come later.
Counterpoint and Me
Submitted by jsdubois015 on Sat, 02/20/2010 - 20:35
As you probably could tell from my previous post, I'm very interested in the subject of counterpoint. It is such a vast subject capable of so much variation. I honestly believe one could study the subject for their entire life and still be learning until the very end. This is the reason I lament the fact the almost non-existence of counterpoint in university music curricula. One semester, or even a few, is barely enough time to just scratch the surface.
For me, counterpoint holds the essence of music as an art. Counterpoint is to music as the laws of physics are to the universe. Without certain laws, the universe could not exist. Without counterpoint, it is my opinion that music cannot exist. Now, that is an incredible significance to place upon the subject of counterpoint to be sure, and one that I'm probably alone in making. However, the more I study counterpoint, the more I am convinced of it.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this intriguing subject of counterpoint. More to come later.