Recorded on 06/04/1994, uploaded on 05/27/2019
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Recording: Kloster Machern, Festsaal, Mosel, Germany, 4-6 June 1994.
Harpsichord Franciscus Debbonis, Roma 1678 (WDR collection). Source: discogs
courtesy of YouTube
Classical Music | Music for Harpsichord
Giovanni de Macque
Gagliarda Prima
PlayRecorded on 06/04/1994, uploaded on 05/27/2019
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Recording: Kloster Machern, Festsaal, Mosel, Germany, 4-6 June 1994.
Harpsichord Franciscus Debbonis, Roma 1678 (WDR collection). Source: discogs
courtesy of YouTube
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