Recorded on 12/31/1969, uploaded on 11/25/2012
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
The date of the recording is unknown.
Courtesy of YouTube
Classical Music | Baritone
Jean-Baptiste Lully
Belle Hermione, hélas, hélas, from Cadmus et Hermione
PlayRecorded on 12/31/1969, uploaded on 11/25/2012
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
The date of the recording is unknown.
Courtesy of YouTube
More music by Jean-Baptiste Lully
Suite from Bourgeois gentillomme
Prologue, from Alceste, ou le Triomphe d'Alcide
Bois épais, from Amadis
Scenes from Ballet Des Plaisirs
Ouverture to Persée
Persée, Act II, Scene 6
Prelude, from Psyché
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