This week we feature the Atrium Quartet, a young ensemble originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia. The quartet was founded in 2000 but now resides in Berlin. They recently visited Chicago and played Prokofiev's String Quartet No. 2 and Schubert’s Quartettsatz. We think the freshness, precision and vigor of their playing makes them one of the more interesting new quartets around. To listen to Atrium now, please click here.
March 20, 2009
This week we feature the Atrium Quartet, a young ensemble originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia. The quartet was founded in 2000 but now resides in Berlin. They recently visited Chicago and played Prokofiev's String Quartet No. 2 and Schubert’s Quartettsatz. We think the freshness, precision and vigor of their playing makes them one of the more interesting new quartets around. To listen to Atrium now, please click here.