Born either in Ghent or in Weert near Antwerp, Giaches de Wert (1535 – 1596) went to Italy, where he settled first in Mantua and then in Ferrara. While there he became a master of the madrigal form. This program presents three selection of his madrigals: first one performed by Cantus Cölln (Konrad Junghänel, conductor), then by Currende Consort, lead by Eric Van Nevel and finally by The Consort of Musicke under the direction of the founder, Anthony Rooley.
Born either in Ghent or in Weert near Antwerp, Giaches de Wert (1535 – 1596) went to Italy, where he settled first in Mantua and then in Ferrara. While there he became a master of the madrigal form. This program presents three selection of his madrigals: first one performed by Cantus Cölln (Konrad Junghänel, conductor), then by Currende Consort, lead by Eric Van Nevel and finally by The Consort of Musicke under the direction of the founder, Anthony Rooley.