January 27, 2013.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on this day in 1756, 257 years ago.His genius reigns supreme today as it did 200 years ago, and as it will in 200 years.Here’s one reason why: the finale of Le Nozze Di Figaro: Pace Pace mio dolce tesoro (Now peace, my dearest treasure).Figaro: Bryn Terfel, Susanna: Alison Hagley, Count Almaviva: Rodney Gilfry.It’s followed by Gente gente all'armi all'armi (People, to arms!) for the full ensemble.The Monteverdi Choir,John Eliot Gardiner conducting (courtesy of YouTube).
Mozart's birthday 2013
January 27, 2013. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on this day in 1756, 257 years ago. His genius reigns
supreme today as it did 200 years ago, and as it will in 200 years. Here’s one reason why: the finale of Le Nozze Di Figaro: Pace Pace mio dolce tesoro (Now peace, my dearest treasure). Figaro: Bryn Terfel, Susanna: Alison Hagley, Count Almaviva: Rodney Gilfry. It’s followed by Gente gente all'armi all'armi (People, to arms!) for the full ensemble. The Monteverdi Choir, John Eliot Gardiner conducting (courtesy of YouTube).