Grouping songs of multiple
composers into three sets with additional improvisations, this
Italian Baroque Bouquet
brings to life the lost art of early 17th Century Italy, transforming the performance
into an authentic Baroque music jam session. From crooning ballads
to flashy bebop, the elements of jazz are not truly creations of recent times.
We can find "early jazz" in one unlikely place: the first
half of Italy's 17th Century, when the strict compositional rules of
the Renaissance were giving way to new forms, musical expressions, and
soloistic freedoms. With this in mind, this program may be
enjoyed either as a simple Baroque music recital, or, more accurately, as
a Jazz session featuring sounds from a slightly earlier era than we
normally hear in a smoky club.
Zefirno Torna
Zeffiro torna e di soavi odori
L'aer fa grato e'l piè discioglie
E mormoradno tra le Verdi fronde
Fa danzar al bel suon sul prato I
Inghirlandato il crin Fillid'e Clori
Note tempran d'amor car'e gioconde,
E da monti e da vall'im'e profonde
Raddoppian l'armonia gl'antri
Sorge più vaga in Ciel l'Aurora; il
Sparge più lucid'or, più puro
Frediaa di Teti il bel Ceruleo
Lass'io per selve abbandonate e sole
L'ardor di duo begl'occhi e mio
vuol mia ventura, hor piango, hor canto.
returns; it makes the air pleasant
With sweet fragrances and races its
foot over the waves;
Murmuring through the green bushes,
It makes the flowers dance on the
fields to its beautiful sounds.
With their hair wreathed in
garlands, Phyllis and Chloris
Blend their dear and joyful notes of
While from the mountains and from
the deepest and lowest valleys
The songful caverns increase the
Dawn rises, lovelier still, in the
heavens; the sun
Spreads brighter gold, purer silver;
It adorns the beautiful blue cloak
of Thetis.
Woe's me! Midst abandoned and lonely
I now complain, now sing, as my
fortune decrees,
the fires in her two beautiful eyes and of my torments.
Classical Music | Ensemble Music
Salamone Rossi
Zefirno Torna
PlayRecorded on 05/05/2004, uploaded on 02/18/2009
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Grouping songs of multiple composers into three sets with additional improvisations, this Italian Baroque Bouquet brings to life the lost art of early 17th Century Italy, transforming the performance into an authentic Baroque music jam session. From crooning ballads to flashy bebop, the elements of jazz are not truly creations of recent times. We can find "early jazz" in one unlikely place: the first half of Italy's 17th Century, when the strict compositional rules of the Renaissance were giving way to new forms, musical expressions, and soloistic freedoms. With this in mind, this program may be enjoyed either as a simple Baroque music recital, or, more accurately, as a Jazz session featuring sounds from a slightly earlier era than we normally hear in a smoky club.
Zefirno Torna
Zeffiro torna e di soavi odori
L'aer fa grato e'l piè discioglie all'onde;
E mormoradno tra le Verdi fronde
Fa danzar al bel suon sul prato I fiori.
Inghirlandato il crin Fillid'e Clori
Note tempran d'amor car'e gioconde,
E da monti e da vall'im'e profonde
Raddoppian l'armonia gl'antri canori.
Sorge più vaga in Ciel l'Aurora; il Sole
Sparge più lucid'or, più puro argento;
Frediaa di Teti il bel Ceruleo manto.
Lass'io per selve abbandonate e sole
L'ardor di duo begl'occhi e mio tormento,
Come vuol mia ventura, hor piango, hor canto.
Zephyr returns; it makes the air pleasant
With sweet fragrances and races its foot over the waves;
Murmuring through the green bushes,
It makes the flowers dance on the fields to its beautiful sounds.
With their hair wreathed in garlands, Phyllis and Chloris
Blend their dear and joyful notes of love.
While from the mountains and from the deepest and lowest valleys
The songful caverns increase the harmony.
Dawn rises, lovelier still, in the heavens; the sun
Spreads brighter gold, purer silver;
It adorns the beautiful blue cloak of Thetis.
Woe's me! Midst abandoned and lonely woods,
I now complain, now sing, as my fortune decrees,
Of the fires in her two beautiful eyes and of my torments.
More music by Salamone Rossi
Sonata in dialogo
Performances by same musician(s)
Sentirete una canzonetta
Folle e ben
Sonata in dialogo
Sonata 15
Che prend' amor a gioco
Classical Music for the Internet Era™
Courtesy of International Music Foundation.