Recorded on 01/01/2004, uploaded on 12/03/2017
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Persée discovers that he's loved by Andromède. Cyril Auvity (Persée), Marie Lenormand (Andromède)
Recorded in 2004. Opera Atelier
courtesy of YouTube
Classical Music | Tenor
Jean-Baptiste Lully
Persée, Act II, Scene 6
PlayRecorded on 01/01/2004, uploaded on 12/03/2017
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Persée discovers that he's loved by Andromède.
Cyril Auvity (Persée), Marie Lenormand (Andromède)
Recorded in 2004. Opera Atelier
courtesy of YouTube
More music by Jean-Baptiste Lully
Suite from Bourgeois gentillomme
Prologue, from Alceste, ou le Triomphe d'Alcide
Belle Hermione, hélas, hélas, from Cadmus et Hermione
Bois épais, from Amadis
Scenes from Ballet Des Plaisirs
Ouverture to Persée
Prelude, from Psyché
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