Comedy was written by Emanuel Leplin, a violist in the San Francisco Symphony, and then a conducting protégé of Pierre Monteux, in 1947. It was conducted by the composer at eleven stops on the transcontinental tour taken by SFS the same year. This performance was broadcast on "The Standard Hour," a radio show of concerts by SFS transmitted from San Diego to Seattle. ("Standard" later changed its name to Chevron.) This broadcast occurred in 1954, and was transmitted to Leplin’s hospital room, where he was recovering from polio. (The stated recording date of 1969 is a glitch in Classical Connect’s system, which they acknowledge, and say they cannot repair.)
For more information about Emanuel Leplin, see his article in Wikipedia.
Classical Music | Orchestral Music
Emanuel Leplin
PlayRecorded on 12/31/1969, uploaded on 03/04/2018
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Comedy was written by Emanuel Leplin, a violist in the San Francisco Symphony, and then a conducting protégé of Pierre Monteux, in 1947. It was conducted by the composer at eleven stops on the transcontinental tour taken by SFS the same year. This performance was broadcast on "The Standard Hour," a radio show of concerts by SFS transmitted from San Diego to Seattle. ("Standard" later changed its name to Chevron.) This broadcast occurred in 1954, and was transmitted to Leplin’s hospital room, where he was recovering from polio. (The stated recording date of 1969 is a glitch in Classical Connect’s system, which they acknowledge, and say they cannot repair.)
For more information about Emanuel Leplin, see his article in Wikipedia.
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