I completed this concerto in December, but made some important revisions and additions more recently. The recording was made using computer software (Finale) and the sampled sounds of the Garritan Orchestra. If you are a violinist interested in learning and/or performiing this work, let me know and I'll send you the part. My email is: victorag@verizon.net
Classical Music | Orchestral Music
Victor Grauer
Violin Concerto
PlayRecorded on 01/14/2013, uploaded on 01/16/2013
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
I completed this concerto in December, but made some important revisions and additions more recently. The recording was made using computer software (Finale) and the sampled sounds of the Garritan Orchestra. If you are a violinist interested in learning and/or performiing this work, let me know and I'll send you the part. My email is: victorag@verizon.net
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