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Joined: 05/05/2011

This is a terrific site for playing your favorite classical music selections and for investigatingselections you have never been introduced to before. However, I found the site rather confusingat first and it took me quite awhile to figure it out. Perhaps, I can save someone else some timein getting acquantied with it and getting to the point where they can just enjoy it. Following aresome important points. A. Setting up playlists. There are two buttons in the upper right sector. "my playlists" just brings up all the playlists you have created and "add to playlist" allows you to add another. For example, if you have created 4 playlists, they will all be displayed when you hit "my playlists" and from that list  you can select one of them to play. B. playing a playlist. If you, for example, select your first playlist as above, then selections on that list begin to play. The main upper window briefly describes each selection that is playing and the time of the playing. A "details" button between the "my playlists" and "add to playlist" buttons will give more detailed information about the selection that is playing. C. The other item you need to enjoy a playlist is located over to the upper left. The "manage playlists" will bring up the  actual list selected. Above we selected the first playlist so now all the selections of that playlist will be shown - the currently playing one will be shown as above but now you can see where that one is in the total list. Unfortunately this button is over to the upper left - would have been nice if it were with the "my playlists" and "add to playlist" buttons. Now separately from the above which concerns how to generate and play playlists, there is a wonderful list of selections from which you may grow your playlists. To do this you use the following actions: D. Growing playlists hit the "browse by composer" button to bring up a huge list of composers - select one to see all the available works of that composer - then hit plus (add) button at right and a list of your playlists will appear - hit each playlist that you want your selection to be added to I find it helpful to spend some time with the composer list - I go about it hitting composers to bring up their compositions and then add selected one to my different playlists - in short order you can build some extensive lists E. playing playlists hit "my playlists" button and select a playlist - playing will begin with the work displayed in the main window with the time of playing to also see everything on this playlist, hit "manage playlist" button in upper left and now you see everything on the playlist and can follow it as they are played in succession one fault, I believe, is that you have to select from "manage playlist" process the playlist that is currently playing because it does not automatically go to that one I hope the above is helpful as it took me a lot of frustrating time to figure this out - once you get it going it is a wonderful experience. I especially like the fact you can learn about a lot of composers and works you normally would not know because they are rather unknown and you would not normally have access to their works. Enjoy!!

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Joined: 01/27/2009

Thank you, jc4patents.  The only thing I would add is that Help might be helpful.  The Help button is on the left-hand side.