Classical Music | Piano Music

Frédéric Chopin

Etude Op. 25, No. 5 in e minor Play Play

Ishay Shaer Piano

Recorded on 01/05/2011, uploaded on 06/06/2011

Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Upon hearing the piece, it is easy to tell why it is nicknamed the "Wrong Note" etude. The main theme abounds with minor second intervals in the "alto" voice played almost simultaneously, leading to an impression of dissonant harmonies. The melody appears in the high voice, and repeats several times throughout the piece, with nuanced variations in execution. The middle section presents a new theme in the major. The main melody is in the upper voice of the left hand while the right hand accompanies with harp-like arpeggios.      Ishay Shaer

Listeners' Comments        (You have to be logged in to leave comments)

i will go on through wind, hail and storm, no matter what goes around in my brain or on earth. The swallows and crows are whirling on air, the flowers oozing out high deep perfumes and the evening is tossing purple pearls, and even if i am swallowing and gobbling my tears i shall go on, marching like a dazed blind soldier in the incredible never-ending unfathomable sweet and sour army of ours.

Submitted by otirudam on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 11:21. Report abuse