Classical Music | Cello Music

Robert Schumann

Fantasy Pieces Op. 73  Play Play

Wendy Law Cello
Byron Sean Piano

Recorded on 01/14/2011, uploaded on 01/14/2011

Musician's or Publisher's Notes

Zart und mit Ausdruck; Lebhaft, leicht; Rasch und mit Feuer

The three Fantasiestücke of Robert Schumann date from 1849. Originally intended for clarinet, Schumann directed that they could be performed also on violin or cello.

The first of the pieces, "Zart und mit Ausdruck" (Delicately and with expression), maintains a constant triplet-rhythm accompaniment in the piano, which supports the instrumental line. Piano and cello share the melody in the second piece, "Lebhaft, leicht" (Lively, light). The third piece, "Rasch und mit Feuer" (Fast and with fire) begins forte with a sense of urgency. Triplet rhythms again dominate the piano part, while the cello plays its animated melody. The composer directs that each piece proceed with little or no pause, demonstrating that the pieces were conceived as a unified whole.      Wendy Law