Drei Stücklein I, from Bunte Blätter (Colored Leaves) Op. 99 Robert Schumann
Bunte Blätte is a collection of fourteen short pieces
composed between 1836 and 1849. The
selections performed today (the first Little Piece, the second and first Album
Leaves, and the Novellette) were all composed around the time when Robert was
corresponding with Clara Wieck, his life-long love, muse and wife-to-be. The first Little Piece, a beautiful song
without words was dedicated to Clara, "to my beloved bride for Christmas Eve
1838". The Novelletten, according to
Schumann, represented romantic stories.
The title has no connection with the word "novel", but whimsically
alludes to Clara, being created from the family name of Clara Novello, a famous
singer of the time. As Schumann wrote
to his Clara, "because your name is Clara, and Wiecketten would not sound
well". Milica Jelača Jovanović
Classical Music | Piano Music
Robert Schumann
Drei Stücklein I, From Bunte Blätter Op. 99 (Colored Leaves)
PlayRecorded on 12/05/2006, uploaded on 01/20/2009
Musician's or Publisher's Notes
Drei Stücklein I, from Bunte Blätter (Colored Leaves) Op. 99 Robert Schumann
Bunte Blätte is a collection of fourteen short pieces composed between 1836 and 1849. The selections performed today (the first Little Piece, the second and first Album Leaves, and the Novellette) were all composed around the time when Robert was corresponding with Clara Wieck, his life-long love, muse and wife-to-be. The first Little Piece, a beautiful song without words was dedicated to Clara, "to my beloved bride for Christmas Eve 1838". The Novelletten, according to Schumann, represented romantic stories. The title has no connection with the word "novel", but whimsically alludes to Clara, being created from the family name of Clara Novello, a famous singer of the time. As Schumann wrote to his Clara, "because your name is Clara, and Wiecketten would not sound well". Milica Jelača Jovanović
More music by Robert Schumann
Maerchenbilder for viola and piano - I mov, op.113
Carnaval, Op. 9
Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70
Wehmuth, from Liederkreis, Op. 39
Novellette no. 6 in A Major: Sehr lebhaft mit vielem Humor, from Novelletten, Op. 21
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt, from Lieder und Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister
Intermezzo Op 26 / 4
Presto Passionato in g minor, Op. 22a
Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op. 26 (Carnival of Vienna)
Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano in A minor, Op. 105
Performances by same musician(s)
Albumblätter I, From Bunte Blätter Op. 99 (Colored Leaves)
Albumblätter II, From Bunte Blätter Op. 99 (Colored Leaves)
Variations on the name “Abegg,” Op. 1
Sarcasms, Op. 17
Novelette, From Bunte Blätter Op. 99 (Colored Leaves)
Allegro in B minor, Op. 8
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Courtesy of International Music Foundation.